Bryza believes that United States as a leader of democracy does not enjoy great authority

In the US, December 9-10 passes the “Summit for Democracy”, 109 countries are invited to him. The list does not include Turkey, other Turkic-speaking states, the overwhelming majority of Muslim countries, as well as Hungary, China and Russia. If you look at the list of countries invited and not invited to the summit, it becomes clear what is compiled from the point of view of the global, geopolitical interests of the United States.

Former US ambassador to Azerbaijan Matthew Bryza, commenting on Washington by the So-called Summit, said that convening the summit in the United States is not a successful idea, since the US government needs to decide which democracies are good, which are bad, which do not deserve invitations.

“Moreover, given the threats facing democracy in the United States, primarily uprising, riots in the Capitol of January 8, it can be argued that the United States does not enjoy great authority as a leader of democracy. In fact, one of the two main political parties in the US is false It claims that the last elections were stolen from Donald Trump, although it is quite obvious that this is not the case. It is difficult to believe the US allegations that they are the world leader in democracy, when the country is faced with such a serious challenge in its own democratic system. Now Not the right time for the United States from the point of view of their reputation to conduct a democracy summit, “the American diplomat noted.