Cabinet of Cancellation of Distance Learning

In Azerbaijan, the requirement of distance learning is canceled and the transition to full-time education was approved. This is stated in clarification of the Cabinet of Ministers to the decision on amending the “Temporary rules for organizing an educational and educational process during a special quarantine regime in educational institutions operating in Azerbaijan.”

In accordance with the decree, at least 80% of employees of all scientific and educational institutions (regardless of labor or civil law contracts) are allowed to work in the presence of at least one dose of vaccine against COVID-19, and from October 1 – necessarily Both doses of vaccines, or the presence of a certificate of immunity.

According to the Regulation: canceled the requirement of distance learning and the transition to full-time learning is determined; Participation of students in full-time classes voluntarily is canceled; The requirement of replacement work in an educational institution is canceled; Restrictions on the order and duration of classes were removed; canceled the requirement of a 60-minute break for disinfection; At least 80% of educational institutions must have a COVID-19 passport. This requirement does not apply to educational institutions where less than 200 students are studying; All persons over 18 years old, studying in higher and secondary vocational schools, must have a COVID-19 passport; removed the ban on the employment of teachers and technical staff over 65 years; A 10-minute break between occupations is canceled; Canceled requirement for each desk in classrooms only one student was sitting; Simultaneous use of audiences in universities and sseas should not exceed 70% of the available area; A ban on dining rooms (cafeteria), sports and assets, libraries and swimming pools in educational institutions will be removed.