Canada: revealed an outbreak of unknown disease

The outbreak of unknown disease with neurological symptoms is revealed in the Canadian province of New Brunswick, reports The New York Times.

For the first time, the disease was discovered in 2015, since then the symptoms were recorded in 48 inhabitants of the province, six of the sicks died. At the same time, doctors cannot determine the diagnosis, since the manifestations of the disease do not have a clear connection with each other.

In particular, patients have insomnia, impaired motor function, hallucinations, muscle pain, rapidly progressive dementia, depression, anxiety and violation of vision. The analyzes have revealed the brain atrophy and neurological dysfunction.

Patient age from 18 to 84 years old, they live mainly in two regions of New Brunswick. Currently, doctors continue to work on diagnosis.

“This is rapidly progressive dementia and psychiatric manifestations, when everything is immediately lost, which is controlled by the head and spinal cord. This is terrible,” described the state of the sick neurologist Neil Cashman.