Case “Agerhalch”: Viddi Muradov died, but recognized guilty

The trial ended in the case of the former chairman of the board of OJSC “Azercha” Viddi Muradov, who died, being under house arrest.

According to the correspondent HAQQIN.AZ, today at a meeting in the Baku Court of Grave Crimes, lawyer of the late Muradov, Vugar Babaev. The lawyer requested to terminate the criminal case at the acquittal and remove the arrest from the property of the accused. The defender noted that from the arrested property of Muradov belongs to only LLC “Aerilmaya”, located near the non-residential territory and a house on Gasan Aliyev Street. Part of another property belongs to the son of Muradov, Aydin Muradov.

The meeting was then announced a sentence, according to which, Viddi Muradov was found guilty of articles on which he was charged. Since the accused died during a trial, he was not prescribed punishment, the criminal case was discontinued.

In the sentence, it is noted that a civil lawsuit filed by the State Tax Service of the Ministry of Economy recognized by the victim in a criminal case, 640 thousand 922 manat, must be satisfied, this amount must be listed in the state budget.