Children can re-get COVID-19

Scientists according to the results of the study found out that in children who are in a light form of the COVID-19 breaks, protective antibodies are produced.

In this case, the probability of re-infection with coronavirus infection in children is as high as in adults, reports with reference to research published in the MedRxiv portal.

In the framework of the study, experts compared antibody titers in 51 adults and 57 children. All participants suffered COVID-19 in a light or fully asymptomatic form.

The presence of coronavirus infection was confirmed using PCR testing. After that, all participants handed over blood tests for 41 days.

In adults, the increase in the number of antibodies began to occur in the acute phase of the disease and continued until the moment of complete recovery.

Among children, the dynamics of antibody formation was much lower, while 76% of adult test participants were actively produced by antibodies.

At the same time, only 37% of the participants in the study were recorded by the production of antibodies. The figure did not affect the form of infection.

However, children who initially did not have an increase in the level of antibodies, they did not begin to be produced in the future.

In addition, scientists have not recorded a cellular immune response among children.