China launched satellite of remote sensing of Earth “Yaogan-41”

Changzhen-5 Y6 (LONG MARCH-5 Y6) missile with a satellite of the Earth’s remote sensing “Yaogan-41” on board successfully started from the Hainan Cosmodrome, the Chinese news agency “Sinhua”.

The launch of the launch vehicle was made at night on December 15. The spacecraft has successfully reached a given orbit.

The current launch was the 500th for the Changzhen series missiles.

It is noted that an optical satellite with the function of remote sounding will be used in the agrarian and cadastral spheres, as well as for monitoring of natural disasters and meteorological warnings.

A number of Western sources claim that the Eagan class satellites are intended for military intelligence and controlled by the strategic support for the People’s Liberation Army of China, which are responsible for the space, cyber and electronic war.