China: millionaire cities are closed

China authorities continue to use strict measures to combat the spread of coronavirus infection in the country.

According to the CCTV state television channel on August 30, in the city of Dalyan in the northeast of the PRC, the port of which is important for the import into the country of iron ore and soybean beans, Lokdown was introduced until September 4 in the main areas where half of the 6 million inhabitants live. In addition, restrictions on the movements of residents were also introduced in the cities of Chende (3.4 million inhabitants) and Shijiazhuan (11.2 million).

In the South Chinese Shenzhen (17.4 million), which is considered the Chinese “Silicon Valley”, Lokdown was again introduced in several areas of the city. In the Tianjin (13.8 million) in the east of the country, the authorities ordered to test all the inhabitants on coronavirus.

The Chinese authorities react extremely tough, although throughout the country with a population of 1.4 billion residents, only 349 cases of infection with the virus were identified on Tuesday.