Citizens of Kyrgyzstan are going to restore destroyed by Russia Mariupol

citizens of Kyrgyzstan are attracted to the restoration of the destroyed and occupied by the Russian army of Mariupol. They are offered from 80 to 100 thousand rubles per month, reports Radio Azattyk.

Enjoy announcements in Mariupol are published in Telegram channels that are reading migrants from the CIS countries. Azattyk analyzed several of them: applicants promise housing, food and overalls. Also, the ads indicate that “there are no military operations in the city,” and the trenches are marked with special signs.

Journalists called the number indicated in one of the ads, and found out that the builders were recruited in Bishkek. They are informed that where hostilities were going on, new houses are already being built. Send employees to occupied Mariupol through Kazakhstan. Some of the employers said that now no one is being sent – allegedly due to police checks. However, writes Azattyk, in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Kyrgyzstan this information refuted this information.

Azattyk sources confirmed that dozens of Kyrgyzstan citizens work in Mariupol. One of them said that they pay 5,000 rubles per day, and 100 thousand per month: “They put things in order in the cities occupied by Russia, work at construction sites”.