Civil service did not find facts of mass cutting of trees in cucumber

A few days ago, about 50 large diameter trees and several dozen of medium -diameter trees were cut down in the forest near the village of Taifli District. The villagers said that the trees were chopped not for firewood, but on materials.

The video message of the inhabitants of was presented by an employee of the Ecofront organization Khanan Halilzade. He added that the trees in the video are “maternal”.

“Mother trees protect the forest. Therefore, such trees can be cut only when they are sick and dried,” said Halilzade.

In the video message, two inhabitants who were in the area of ​​cutting trees say that employees of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources conducted an audit, but all complaints were recognized as unfounded.

According to in the press service of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources, on holidays, employees of the civil service of environmental safety conducted an investigation about reports of mass cutting of trees in the aforementioned forest.

During the investigation, it was found that citizens whose names are indicated as applicants in the indicated appeal were not at all aware of the case. During the exit inspection of forests around the village, there were no cases of mass deforestation and exporting them to the woodworking workshops.