Congressmen demanded that Bayden stop assistance to Ukraine

A group of US congressmen introduced a resolution with a request for the presidential administration Joe Bayden to stop providing financial and military support to Kyiv.

This was announced by the Fox News channel with reference to one of the authors of the draft document – the Congressman from the Republican Party Matt Ghetz.

It was the chitz that was the initiator of the document. In addition to him, the signature under the “resolution on fatigue from Ukraine” put another 10 congressmen.

It, in particular, contains a demand for the White House “to stop providing military and financial assistance to Ukraine”, as well as a call to all aspects of the conflict to seek conflict to peacefully.

In addition, the resolution provides statements by Pentagon officials who claim that deliveries led to a significant exhaustion of the arsenals of the States themselves and the weakening of the country’s military potential.

“America is in a state of controlled decline, and the situation will only aggravate if we continue to spend money on foreign conflicts. We must suspend all the help of Ukraine,” the chitz emphasized.