Coronavirus highlighted “green” energy for a decade

Production of solar panels for renewable energy for the first time in the decade has become unprofitable. Prices for polycremia – key raw materials for sources of “green” electricity sharply jumped on the background of the coronavirus pandemic, Bloomberg writes.

The cost of the key material of solar panels over the past year has rose four times. The prices for solar modules have increased by 18 percent from the beginning of 2021, while for the previous decade they managed to chef by 90 percent. According to the International Research Company, which is engaged in solar photovoltaic PV Insights systems, Polycremian prices reached $ 25.88 per kilogram compared to $ 6.19 a year earlier.

Polycremia, which has become the main cause of the crisis in the solar energy industry, one of the most common materials on Earth. Most often it can be found in the beach sand. The rise in prices occurred due to the fact that the solar industry sought to cover the expected surge in demand in the panel, and the polycraft manufacturers did not have time to issue such a volume of raw materials. Analysts emphasize that 2021 can be the first in the last 17 years when a rollback will occur in solar energy worldwide.