Countdown began before opening of World EXTANBUL 2024 exhibition

The Electronic commerce exhibition WorldEF ISTANBUL 2024 will gather on its site the leading representatives of the sector from Turkey and foreign countries. This is stated in the message of the global platform of the Electronic commerce of WorldEF – the organizer of the event.

The global communication partner of the exhibition will be the Anadola agency.

It is expected that the event, which will be held on the site in Yenikapı Event Area on June 6-8, will visit more than 20 thousand people from 40 countries. More than 1,500 sellers selling global trading floors, such as Amazon and ETSY, as well as service providers, investors in the field of e -commerce and entrepreneurs, will take part in the exhibition.

more than 450 retail brands, manufacturers and suppliers will be able to demonstrate their products and services focused on e -commerce, on stands that will be installed on an area of ​​9200 square meters.

During the event, discussions will take place on the topic of digital transformation, strategies focused on the consumer, sales in world markets, e -commerce and sustainable development. In addition, new opportunities will be discussed in Istanbul, global intersection of e -commerce.

At an event where speakers will share their experience in the field of managing the complex electronic commerce environment, visitors will be able to learn about the latest technologies, changes in consumer behavior and developing ecosystem.

“WorldEF ISTANBUL 2024, offers Turkish manufacturers and retail brands the opportunity to enter global markets,” said the president of WorldEF Omer Nart, whose words are given in the message.

According to him, the organizers of the exhibition have prepared an original program, the main attention in which is paid to retail technologies designed specifically for e -commerce.

companies, service providers, manufacturers and distributors who will take part in the event were distributed through pavilions. There will be a limited number of partners from each category in the pavilions. Thus, we plan the concept of minimal competition and maximum cooperation, ”said Nart. .