Court justified convict for rape of famous comedian

The Supreme Court of the American State of Pennsylvania canceled the conviction of the 83-year-old Comic of Bill Cosby, convicted in 2018 in the case of rape.

The Russian BBC Service writes that less than two hours after the court decision, the state’s prison authorities reported that Cosby was released.

The court considered that Cosbi was denied a fair trial during the process, which began with his arrest in 2015 and ended with the sentence in 2018. Then the jury recognized him guilty of sexual violence against the former basketball player Andrei Constand during his meeting at his house in 2004.

The basis of the criminal case was the testimony of the very Cosbi, which he gave in exchange for a promise of a district sentence not to impose a charge. The next prosecutor considered herself not connected with this promise and accused the comic book in a matter of days before the expiration of the statute of the article.

Now the court agreed with the argument of lawyers of Cormps that the prosecutor had to fulfill the promise of his predecessor and had no right to excite the case against their client.

Cosmi has already departed for almost three years from its term, which could last from 3 to 10 years, in prison near Philadelphia.

Bill Cosby has long been one of the most famous and highly paid American comedians. When, during the lawsuit started in 2015, tens of women accused comic in harassment, millions of his fans were amazed and shocked.