Court rejected complaint of ex-Minister of Interior of Nakhchyan

The Supreme Court examined the appeal regarding the deadline for the restoration of the cassation appeal of the ex-Minister of Internal Affairs of Nakhchivan Ahmed Akhmedov.

According to haqqı, the decision was announced at a meeting, chaired by Judge Alesker Novruzov. Based on the decision, the application for the extension of the procedural period was rejected as unreasonable.

Ex-Minister of Internal Affairs of Nar Ahmed Akhmedov in 2021 by the decision of the Military Court of the Nakhchivanskaya AR was found guilty of a particularly large embezzlement, abuse of authority, receiving bribes, abuse of authority and sentenced to 11 years in prison. The Court of Appeal upheld the sentence.

In November last year, due to the deterioration of the health status of Akhmedov, they placed in Nakhchivansky medical and diagnostic center.