Cyprus peacekeeping operation of 1974 in archives of Anadolu Agency

In the archive of the Anadolu (AA) agency, there are multilateral details of the Cyprus peacekeeping operation on July 20, 1974.

Anadol’s agency, with its more than a hundred -year history, with its rich written and visual archives continues to be the memory of Turkey.

Cyprus peacekeeping operation, held on July 20, 1974, is described in detail in the archive of AA

The agency, which stepped by step followed the Cyprus peacekeeping operation, was the first institution to declare the world about its beginning.

– The Turks go to Cyprus behind the world

AA at 06:10 announced an operation, begun by the Turkish armed forces on July 20, 1974 at 06:00, the urgent news “Prime Minister announced: we are in Cyprus.”

“The government of the Turkish Republic at dawn of this morning set the task of fulfilling its guarantor obligations established by international treaties that Greece violated. The landing operation, which will bring to our people, humanity and all Cypriots, develops with complete success. The Turks go to Cyprus beyond the world and the world,” the historical ambassador said.


In the next balloon, the agency announced the progress of the operation:

“Prime Minister Edgevit and Deputy Prime Minister Nezhmettin Erbakan made the following statement: our armed forces began landing and landing in Cyprus. Let the Almighty Blessing our people, all Cypriots and humanity.”