Dangerous habit when working in office

Long stay at work in your favorite many posture can have a negative impact on health. We are talking about habit to throw leg legs.

Honored Doctor of Russia, a vertebrojologist, a manual therapist Andrei Kabyushkin said Radio Sputnik that a short stay in such a posture in a comfortable chair would not harm. However, in the working chair or on a chair, some risks arise due to it. This, in particular, skew the pelvic, causing overvoltage of some muscles.

“Long-term seat in such a posture causes a painful sensation when you get up from the chair, the so-called starting pains,” said the Russian expert.

Specialist also told about the danger of the development of varicose disease in those who constantly sits, throwing her leg at work while working. The expert explained that in the poplled vein and arteries and arterys are located close to the skin surface, and due to the favorite many postures, the venous blood circulation can occur.

Specialist recommends using the so-called “rule 90” during operation. “The knee joint should fall towards the floor at an angle of 90 degrees. The foot should be relative to the floor, too, at an angle of 90 degrees,” says the expert.

It is also recommended not to forget about 15-minute interruptions and warm-up after a two-hour work at the table.