Deadly floods in Iran

In Iran, at least 10 people died due to floods caused by abundant rains. This was reported on Tuesday Iranian Agency ILNA with reference to the chapter of organizing the rescue of the Red Crescent Society of Mehdi Valipura.

“Flood covered Iranian provinces of Isfahan, Yezlet, South Horacean, Horacean-Rezavi, Kerman, Sendan, Tehran, Sistahstan and Belukhistan, leads TASS Words of Valipura. – In the course of search and rescue work in the provinces of Yazd, Kerman and South Horacean Body discovered 10 people previously considered missing. “

As Valipur clarified, “about 100 people had to be evacuated, about 100 people were saved. A total of six cities and 47 villages were affected.” “For assistance, 78 brigades of rescuers, special vehicles and helicopters are involved,” he added.