Deputy Chairman of PSR: Türkiye is important for Europe in terms of security

Deputy Chairman of the Party of Justice and Development of Turkey for International Relations, Zafer Syrakaya spoke about the elections to the European Parliament.

In an interview with Anadol, Sarykai noticed that in these elections, Social Democrats, Green and Liberals lost significant support.

Syrakaya said that the populist political parties that can be characterized as the extreme right have significantly increased the number of votes.

“It was a process during which the groups that somehow questioned the existence of the European Union, but at the same time tried to participate in politics through anti -immigrant sentiments, significantly increased their votes,” he said.

Syrakaya noted that in 2004, only 8 percent of the European Parliament consisted of separatist and anti -European political parties, but, according to the results of the study conducted by him, this figure increased to more than 20 percent after recent elections.

– “This is incompatible with democracy”

Syrakaya said that the fundamental philosophy of the European Union is the culture of life together, polyphony and multiculturalism.

“We must note that during the period when anti -Semitism, Islamophobia, anti -Islamism and xenophobia are at the peak, the European Union will become more self -centered, and with this understanding, a toxic environment will be created inside its culture. Because these people act in the environment, who suffers and loves only them, and refrains from respect for people who do not think this is incompatible with democracy.

The deputy chairman of the PSR emphasized that the culture of joint life, where Jews, Muslims and Christians live together, where mosques, synagogues and churches are built side by side, must definitely find more space in Europe. “I believe that our culture helps a lot in this respect,” he said.

– The future of Europe

Syrakaya also commented on the question of how the threat of the pro -European parliamentary majority will affect the future of the Union as a result of elections.

“We are observing that the spirit of unity is undermined in conditions when the number of votes of those who opposition to the European Union is growing with their main philosophy and declares that the sovereignty at the country’s level is important. We see a process in which the internal questions of each country are taken to the agenda days, and its internal policy is determined by the EU voting process. , and those who believe in the EU will also be able to determine the post of chairman of the commission, ”he believes.

– the process of the entry of Turkey to the EU