Deputy Javanshire Feziev removed his insults and retired from press council

Milli Majlis Japavanshire’s deputy Feziev removed his scandalous post in which he insulted the group of Azerbaijani journalists and representatives of civil society. The post of deputy today disappeared from his official page in the social network Facebook.

Recall, previously accused of the UK in corruption, Deputy Javanshire Feziev insulted the group of Azerbaijani journalists – Raufa Arifoglu, Eyanlu Fatullaeva, Khalida Kyazimli, Avas Zeynalla, Hadija Ismailo, Zaura Garyboglu, Elnura Magerramlah, Osman Gindouz, Sevinge Telman Gyza and many respected representatives Azerbaijani civil society. The deputy called journalists who illuminated a loud trial in the UK, Racketira and Western Agents.

Along with this, on the page of Japavanshira Fezieva, an appeal to the chairman of the Press Council Afmatun Amaishev, in which the deputy asks to take his resignation from the board of the board of the press Council.

At the same time, journalists who insulted Japavanshire Faziev today took an appeal to the Speaker of the Milli Majlis Sahib Gafarova, in which they urge to take appropriate disciplinary measures against the Fasiyev deputy and punish it.