Died “Father of Pakistani Atomic Bomb” Abdul Kadir Khan died

In Pakistan, a 86-year-old nuclear physicist, scientist Abdul Kadir Khan, who is also called the “father of the Pakistani atomic bomb also died in Pakistan on Sunday in the Branch of intensive therapy of the hospital in Islamabad. It is reported by IRNA.

Pakistani officials have already expressed condolences in connection with the death of a scientist, stating that Abdul Kadir Khan played a historical role in strengthening the defense of Pakistan.

Work on the nuclear program began in Pakistan in 1972. Three years later, Abdul Kadir Khan returned to Pakistan from Germany, after which the studies accelerated significantly. Pakistan’s first nuclear bomb experienced in 1998, literally two weeks after the similar tests conducted India.

In 2004, the creator of the only “Islamic bomb” in the world, who led the main nuclear center of Pakistan Khan Research Laboratories for many years, was in the center of the largest scandal in the history of nuclear distribution after it became known about the secret transfer of Pakistani scientists of nuclear technologies in the third country. Several years was under house arrest. Later denied all the accusations that Iranian nuclear-weapons and DPRK were selling.