Director of FSB of Russian Federation announced establishment of “involvement” of military intelligence of Ukraine to terrorist attack in Crocus City Hall

The Russian special services established the involvement of the military intelligence of Ukraine in the terrorist attack in Crocus City Hall in Krasnogorsk near Moscow, which occurred in March of this year. This was stated by the director of the FSB Alexander Bortnikov at a meeting of the National Anti -Terrorism Committee (NAC)

“Ukrainian and Western intelligence agencies expand the circle of possible performers recruited for the commission of resonant crimes in Russia, assist in their preparation and equipping international terrorist organizations. An indicative example is the involvement of the military intelligence of Ukraine in the terrorist attack in Crocus City City Hall. , – says Bortnikov, whose words are given by Ukrainian media.

In addition, the chairman of the NAC noted that “the enemy, with the support of the United States and other NATO countries, is increasing forces to commit terrorist attacks and sabotage in Russia, trying to weaken the resource support of the Russian army and provoke panic moods among the population.” “The regions of neo -Nazi armed groups and diversion -reconnaissance groups are not stopped into the regions of neo -Nazi armed groups bordering with Ukraine. They search and recruiting executors of resonant crimes, including among labor migrants,” the NAC said

NAC also reported that since the beginning of the “special military operation”, that is, since 2022, 134 terrorist crimes were prevented by law enforcement agencies at the preparation stages.

“The activities of 32 cells of international terrorist organizations were suppressed, 8 terrorist attacks were not allowed at state facilities and in places of mass stay of people, the preparation of which were carried out by immigrants from the countries of the Central Asian region,” the NAC stake in NAC.

According to the chairman of the NAC Alexander Bortnikov, such cells consisted mainly of migrants from Central Asia. “Their participants were prepared by terrorist acts in places of mass stay of people, at objects of government, military infrastructure and religious organizations,” he said.

On the evening of March 22, several men armed with machine guns broke into the Crocus City Hall concert hall in Krasnogorsk near Moscow and opened fire. A fire began in the room. According to the latest data, as a result of the terrorist attack in the Crocus City Hall near Moscow, 144 people were killed, more than 500 were injured.