Doctors denied popular health myths

French doctors and journalists dispelled several popular health myths.

According to Le Figaro, recently under the auspices of the National Institute of Health and Medical Research (Inserm) published the book “Fake news about health”. It mentions, for example, a rumor that the wearing of the bra causes cancer. In 1995, Dr. Sydney Singer said that this piece of clothing is able to provoke the formation of malignant breast tumors, since “prevents lymphottoku and removal of toxins.” However, his hypothesis has not yet confirmed any serious scientific research, the authors noted.

Another myth says that the human papilloma virus (HPV) is threatening only to women. However, he was also “responsible for cancer anus, throat and larynx” in men – from 6,300 new cases in France, a third falls on them.

It is also noted that the cranberry is useless in the fight against bacterial cystitis – inflammation of the urinary tract.

Finally, hygienic tampons do not cause toxic shock syndrome (STS) – a rare infection caused by the strains of golden staphylococcus, which are present on the skin, but can produce a dangerous toxin.