Doctors discovered a new symptom of Covid-19

Doctors working in the Indian state of Karnataka Bangalore, discovered a new symptom of contamination with coronavirus infection. According to them, the list of symptoms can also be ranked and strong dryness in the mouth, writes Trent.Ru with reference to the British tabloid The Sun.

Indian experts called on to pay attention to irritation and itching, as well as pain in the field of language. In rare cases, they claim, in the mouth of patients can be ulcers.

Chatting with Journalists of Outlook edition, Dr. Sattur described the 55-year-old patient who complained about the strongest dryness in the mouth, as well as conjunctivitis and fatigue, although he had no temperature. Later, a man revealed a coronavirus infection.

Medic stressed that when manifesting strong fatigue in tandem with any symptoms associated with the oral cavity, a person should be passed to the test on COVID-19. At the same time, Sattur noticed that the patient could be a carrier of one of the strains of coronavirus, and various info subspecies cause different symptoms.

So far, cough, the loss of smell and the ability to feel the tastes, as well as the high temperature, among the classical symptoms of COVID-19. At the same time, some infected are also complaining of fatigue, headache and diarrhea. The Sun notes that British specialists have already identified a similar symptom of Coronavirus. He got the name “COVID Language” (COVID Tongue).