Doctors stated a specific symptom of “Oomikron”

The new strain of Coronavirus “Oomikron” can provoke changes in mental processes. This is evidenced by the application data Zoe COVID.

As British Express writes, about 50% of patients with coronavirus complained to “blurred thinking”.

At the same time, “Omicron” differs from other strains by the fact that “fog in the head” occurs shortly after infection. Probably, such a symptom is associated with damage to the respiratory, blood, excretory and other organism systems.

Also, the new version of COVID-19 is able to negatively affect the memory and confuse even with such simple actions as the choice between tea or coffee, the study of the University of Borgorsk.

It seems that COVID-19 affects various parts of our body, including our brain and other organ systems, “explained the doctor Andrew Badson. He clarified that damage to the lungs, hearts, kidneys or other organs and the accompanying symptoms can disrupt the brain. It is assumed that “Oomikron” causes this state from the very beginning of infection, and not after a while, as with the “Dolgov Kovid”.

Zoe COVID developers also reminded about other specific signs of “Oomikron” – loss of appetite, cold, headache, fatigue, sore throat and sneezing.