During operation against terrorists in 11 provinces of Turkey, 75 people were detained

as part of the Heroes operation, conducted in 11 provinces of Turkey against the separatist terrorist organization (STO), 75 suspects were detained. This was announced by the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Ali Yerlika on Friday on the social network.

The minister noted that the operation was carried out in the provinces of Izmir, Eskishekhir. Batman, Khakkari, Mardin, Diyarbakyr, Agra, Bitlis, Kilis, Shyrnak and Kodzhaeli.

“as part of the Heroes operation” conducted in 11 provinces against the separatist terrorist organization, 75 members of the service station were detained. Congratulating the heroes participating in the operation. ” – wrote Jerlika.

The head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs said that Turkey would continue to fight terrorism until the destruction of the last terrorist.