During riots in France, 150 people were detained

Against the backdrop of the riots that flashed in France after the death of a 17-year-old teenager, 150 people were detained.

large-scale protests in various cities of the country, including Nanter, Lyon, Lille, Toulouse and Viri-Shattiyon, provoked the death of a young driver named Nael.

According to the French media, the protesters set fire to cars, garbage tanks, caused damage to state property.

In Toulouse and Lille, the protesters threw the security forces with stones. To disperse them, law enforcement officers used tear gas.

The head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Gerald Darmanen said that during the night riots, 150 people were detained as a whole. “The night of unbearable violence over the symbols of the republic: the town hall, schools and police sections were set on fire. 15 detentions. My support to police officers, gendarmes and firefighters who courageously coped with this situation,” the French minister wrote in Twitter.

On June 27, the police in the Nanter opened fire on a car, the driver of which refused to obey the demand to stop. A policeman who shot a young man was taken into custody.