Egypt: found tomb of ancient pharaoh dynasties

Egyptian archaeologists found 110 ancient graves in the Nile Delta. This is reported by AP with reference to the statement of the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities of Egypt.

graves, in some of which human remains have survived, were found during archaeological excavations in the area of ​​Kum-El Hulgan, located in the province of Dacia to the northeast of Cairo.

Application of representatives of the ministry, the oldest 68 graves of oval form were created even in the dynamic period: the last prehistoric period in the history of Egypt, which was 5,000 to 70 to our era.

Another five graves of oval form were dated more accurately: archaeologists argue that these are the burial of the last phase of the prehistoric era, which is called Negada III. It is believed that it was during this period from 3200 to 3000 years before our era began the formation of an ancient Egyptian state.

Also in this area were found 37 rectangular tombs dated to the second transition period (1782-1570 BC). During this period, the militant association of the Semitic peoples called Gixos.

In addition to the remains of both adults and children, the archaeologists have discovered the burial utensils and pottery.

Such a wide chronological scatter of the detected graves will allow scientists in more detail to explore the characteristics of different periods of the history of ancient and even prehistoric Egypt.