Elizabeth second had to abandon Martini

Doctors recommended the British Queen Elizabeth II to abandon the regular use of alcohol and not drink at events to keep health and meet the platinum anniversary of the Board in 2022 in the best form, writes Daily Telegraph.

As well-informed sources in court told the publication, her majesty treated this recommendation seriously and decided to completely abandon alcohol, although it was impossible to say that she drinks a lot. Now she refused even from Favorite cocktails from Martini and drinks only Water Malvern, this is her personal choice, they added.

At the same time, the 95-year-old Queen continues to actively ride the country and participate in events, in accordance with the schedule.

According to rumors, Queen loved to drink at home during Lunch, Gina cocktail with Dubonne, in front of dinner – Jell with Martini. Usually, her husband mixed her husband, Duke Edinburgh, who himself preferred beer. Also the queen could have a glass of Rhinewine or Pink Wine, but never loved champagne.

Daily Telegraph notes that, according to sources, the queen at its age is good to health, although she recently seen it with a cane for the first time since 2004.