Enterprises have punished in Azerbaijan – air pollutants

In the framework of measures to control the quality of atmospheric air, employees of the civil service of environmental safety were conducted by repeated monitoring in Sumgait.

Health Health Head reported that during the monitoring conducted in Sumgait for several days already, suspicions appeared that some enterprises at night allow the harmful emissions to the atmosphere. Therefore, in the afternoon around these enterprises, monitoring was again conducted, and it turned out that due to the malfunction of the gas-peculiar installation of AZMET CJSC, the clearative filters did not work, and the smoke was thrown into the air to the air, Trend passes.

According to Alizade, the act and protocol is drawn up, the director of the enterprise was fined as an official for 3,000 manat. The management of the enterprise gave mandatory instructions to eliminate the shortcomings in a short time.

A service representative also noted that the composition of the atmosphere was also tested at the enterprises of the Guban and Ganja Regions: “During the monitoring in Ganja, at night, the presence of unpleasant odors and smoke was observed. In the course of the investigation, it turned out that on the Ganja Polygon of Household Waste in the heat of these very waste flashes, as a result of which it will be released into the atmosphere of smoke above the allowed norm. In order to prevent the repetition of such cases, the management of the landfill was made obligatory to execute instructions. In the Gubinsky district it was revealed that household waste was burned in a residential massif. As a result of this, smoke and unpleasant odors were distributed on the nearby territory. The act and protocol were drawn up with respect to the merger of housing and communal services Təmiz Quba, the documentation collected for his finfing as a legal entity was sent to the Gubinsky District Court. “

X. Alisade added that monitoring continues in all regions, and repeated warnings were made to the entities that polluting the environment and the atmosphere.