Epos written in ice cold: Operation Sarykamysh

In Turkey, they annually honor the memory of those who died in the battle of Sarykamysh, who claimed the lives of tens of thousands of sons of the Turkish people.

In the desire to free the lands captured by the Russian army, the Ottoman army led by Enver Pasha on December 22, 1914 began a large -scale operation on the Caucasian front.

During the battles, which lasted from December 1914 to January 1915, the Ottoman army lost up to 90 thousand soldiers and officers, some of which were frozen in a chilling cold.

On the anniversary of the battle of Sarykamysh across the country, in particular in the Sarykamysh area in the Cars province, commemorative events are held in the first week of January.

In an interview with Anadolu, a teacher of the Caucasian University of Dede Korkut and the director of the Institute of Social Sciences, Dr. Yashar Kopu said that it was necessary to learn from Sarykamysh operation.

According to him, before the operation of Sarykamysh, Turkish soldiers inflicted the losses of the Russian army in the battles at Azap and Köhprings.

“Sarykamysh is a preface to (Battle of Battle) Chanackale, this is a place where even the snow falls black, this is a place that we can call the Karbela model in Kars,” he said.

Kopa noted that Enver Pasha did not want this war, but several events had occurred alternately, as if someone had to be drawn into this war so that it was fed.

One of these events was the battles of Azap and Köprruka, held on November 7 and 17, during which 7 thousand Russian soldiers died.

According to the teacher, the commander of the 10th Corps, Enver Pasha somehow managed to convince that in this war the victory will be won.

Enver Pasha approved this, because the weather at that time was not very cold and there were no harsh frosts, Kopa said.

He noted that the course of the war has changed with the sinking of three ships in the Black Sea.

“What happened on these ships? Of course, there were guns, planes, ammunition, then military equipment that was intended for one -time use, for the uniform of an average of 60 thousand soldiers,” said Cop.

Another of the reasons that changed the course of the war, Kopu called the “problem with delays.”

“The fact that during the transfer of military equipment and equipment, mainly of the 10th corps, the sea road was first selected to the east, and then the land, led to a delay in military operations by an average of 3.5 weeks. Unfortunately, unfortunately, This situation will deeply affect all events, ”he said.