Erdogan congratulated fellow citizens on 100th anniversary of republic

Ankara (AA) – Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan congratulated the country’s citizens on the centenary of the proclamation of the Turkish Republic.

on the occasion of a significant date, the head of state published an appropriate appeal on the social network x.

“I invite all our brothers and sisters to 81 provinces of our Motherland, as well as all our compatriots living abroad, to celebrate the 100th anniversary of our republic and share this day of pride, decorating houses, shops and cars of Turkey. Let the sky and the heaven and cars. The earth will be covered with our flags, ”the statement said.

The image of the Turkish flag is attached to the publication.

Every year on October 29, the Turkish people celebrate the main national holiday – the Day of the Republic. It was on this day in 1923 that Türkiye was declared a republic.