Erdogan departed to India to participate in G20 summit

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan left on an India visit to participate in the 18th summit of the leaders of the Great Twenth countries.

TRK plane with the head of the Turkish state on board flew out of the Esenbog Airport in Ankara at 11:05 local time.

The Turkish leader was escorted by Vice President Jewed Dethy Yilmaz, Deputy Governor of Ankara Abdullah Drivers and other officials.

The head of state during the visit is accompanied by the head of the Foreign Ministry Hakan Fidan, Minister of Treasury and Finance Mehmet Shimshk, the head of the National Intelligence Organization Ibrahim Kalyn, head of the Directorate of the Administration of the Presidential Administration Fakhretin Altun, adviser to President Akif Chagatai Kylych.

The visit of the Turkish leader to India will last until September 10.

Erdogan will take part in the Summit meetings, the theme of which this year will be a “single world, a single family, a single future.”

The head of state will tell the leaders about the Steps of Turkey on the issue of climate change.

On the fields of the Erdogan summit will also hold negotiations with the heads of state and governments of the G20 countries.