Erdogan: Turkish red crescent makes every effort so that people with hope look into future

The Turkish Society of the Red Crescent makes every effort so that people in a difficult situation with hope look into the future.

This is stated in the publication of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in connection with the 156th anniversary of the creation of the Turkish Society of the Red Crescent.

The head of state emphasized that the Turkish red crescent, which has become a symbol of help, mercy, compassion and solidarity, is one of the organizations leading and respected in the world in this area due to its devoted services.

Erdogan noted that the Turkish red crescent, which “undertook to protect the dignity of people and society by the power of good, strengthen their resistance and facilitate their suffering,” extends the help of a help hand whenever necessary.

“We appreciate the dedication of all volunteers of the Turkish red crescent that support people in difficult times in many areas: from international assistance to social activity, from migration studies to first aid, from organizing natural disasters to blood donation,” the president emphasized.

Erdogan expressed the hope that the employees of the Turkish red crescent will continue to “improve the lives that they touch”, and represent Turkey in the best way in the service of humanity.