Erdogan: Türkiye among countries that most actively fighting tobacco

Turkey is one of the countries that most successfully fight tobacco use.

This was stated by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in contacting the participants of the program “World Day without tobacco and Environmental Week”.

The head of state with satisfaction noted that as a result of the country’s decisive measures taken in Turkey, a decrease in the number of smokers is observed.

He recalled that daily 20 thousand people around the world die due to diseases caused by smoking.

“In our country annually, 85 thousand people become victims of the tobacco monster,” the Turkish leader added.

President Erdogan also noted that tobacco not only has a pernicious effect on human health, but also pollutes the environment.

“Despite all the harm of smoking, the tobacco industry continues to grow and annually bring a profit of $ 700 billion,” the politician stated regretfully.

President Erdogan urged citizens of the country and people around the world to take the risks associated with the use of tobacco.

He assured that in Turkey an even more effective and comprehensive struggle against smoking will be waged.