EU will refuse to communicate 5G communication with Chinese equipment

The European Commission announced that she would refuse to communicate 5G communication services using the equipment of Chinese Huawei and ZTE for the safety of its internal telecommunication systems.

“5G security is crucial. They are critical infrastructures in themselves and for other sectors that depend on them, such as energy, transport, healthcare and finances,” said the EC for the internal member of the EC. EU market Thierry Breton.

According to him, the European Commission will implement a set of cybersecurity tools 5G (5G Toolbox) in its own purchases of telecommunication services in order to avoid influence from Huawei and ZTE. EC will also use 5G Toolbox in the distribution of EU financing for all its programs, the European Commissioner added.

“, in the framework of its corporate cybersecurity policy and the use of 5G Toolbox, the Commission will take measures to avoid impact on its corporate means of communication of mobile networks using Huawei and ZTE as suppliers,” the email commander said