European Parliament urged to prepare adoption of Ukraine in EU

the European Parliament adopted a resolution where he set out his expectations from the EU-Ukraine summit, which will be held in Kyiv on February 3. The document was supported by 489 deputies, against – 36, abstained – 49, according to the website of the EP on Thursday, February 2.

In particular, in the resolution of the European Parliament, the EU calls on to work on the onset of negotiations on the entry and maintain a roadmap with the following steps to ensure the accession of Ukraine to the Unified EU market. “

Euro -deputies called on the Ukrainian authorities “to carry out significant reforms as soon as possible so that the country came into line with the criteria of EU membership.”

The resolution also indicates the need to strengthen support for Ukraine. EU member states should “increase and accelerate military assistance to Kyiv, in particular the provision of weapons, but also provide the necessary political, economic, infrastructure, financial and humanitarian support”.

The document contains a priority on the upcoming EU-Ukraine summit to a comprehensive package of measures to restore Ukraine. It should be aimed at assisting and restoring the country in short -term, medium and long -term prospects. Such support, in their opinion, will also help stimulate economic growth in Ukraine after the completion of hostilities.

Assessing the needs of Ukraine to restore, the resolution repeats the call of the European Parliament to use Russian funds frozen in Europe, including assets of businessmen of the Russian Federation.