“Evidence is not enough”: a sharp turn in case of an influential Azerbaijanis who ordered his wife in Malta

new details appeared in connection with the story about how the “influential person” was looking for a killer in Azerbaijan to kill his former wife in Malta, and as an ex-spouse, who realized this, complained of the prosecutor’s office.

According to HaqQin.az, Judge Yang Farudzha rejected a woman’s statement demanding to start the inquesting process in connection with her former husband. The judge ruled that for the beginning of the court inquiry on the basis of the complaint “evidence is not enough.” Reports about it The Times of Malta.

Recall, this woman is a citizen of Russia, which, after a divorce with his spouse-Azerbaijanis, coincises with a citizen of Malta. About the plans of the former husband to kill her she learned from another Azerbaijanis. In the presented to the prosecutor, the Piter Semi Selects the complaint woman showed that her ex-husband wanted a killer to end her, and is ready to pay for this solid amount.

As a proof, a woman presented two videos of working in Malta and residing next to them from another Azerbaijanis. He was an employee of a former husband’s husband. And in his video drawing, a man argues that he received an order from her former spouse to find a killer. For this, her former suggested him a decent amount. This man “tried to win time,” promising to find a killer through the brother’s recently released from under the arrest, and then handed this woman’s plans for her ex-spouse. Together with these two video, the woman put the hidden camera and a recording device with her complaint. She claims that these devices in her apartment were posted former husband. It is also argued that he has very strong connections in Malta.

The prosecutor sent a writer’s complaint to that he ordered to start the judicial inquiry. But the Judge of Farudzha, after reviewing the details of the case, decided that there was no sufficient evidence for the judicial inquiry, and sent a statement of a woman to the police to conduct an independent investigation. The prosecutor filed an appeal on the decision of the judge.

The sources in the police told the publication of Times of Malta that the woman for the first time with this complaint appealed to them last year. At that time, they studied this question and came to the conclusion that there are no sufficient grounds for initiating a criminal case.