Ex-Prime Minister of Kyrgyzstan in an interview with haqqin.az: not Russia and not China, but West dominates Central Asia

What happens in Central Asia after the Taliban came to power in Afghanistan? What is the reality of Chinese economic expansion in the region? Can a full -scale war between Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan begin? With these and other questions he addressed the former Prime Minister of Kyrgyzstan Jomarta Otorbaev.

– against the background of the war to Ukraine, which lasts almost four months, calls are increasingly coming from Russia about the need to recreate the USSR. Do you believe in the reality of this idea?

– I have not heard official statements on this subject, at least in relation to the republics of Central Asia. There are statements by experts and some analytical materials, but this is another. I can say that the republics of Central Asia remain independent and there is no question of a possible redrawing borders.

– A year ago, the radical group “Taliban” came to power in Afghanistan. After that, with renewed vigor, many years of fears of analysts sounded that the victory of the Taliban could lead to total Islamization of Central Asia. How realistic are your forecasts in your opinion?

– Throughout almost the entire history, Afghanistan was part of Bolshoi Central Asia. We are very close in geographical, economic, religious and mental terms. All this changed in the 19th century, when two empires – Russia and Britain divided Central Asia, drawing the corresponding boundaries. As for the Taliban, even before their coming to power in Afghanistan, neighboring countries led to them secret negotiations on possible coexistence. Taliban leaders have repeatedly stated that they have no complaints about Central Asian countries, and they are not going to claim the redistribution of existing borders. On the contrary, in case of coming to power, they promised to maintain a dialogue with us and even fight drug smuggling.

Central Asian countries are extremely interested in Afghanistan and, first of all, want stability in this country. In addition, Afghanistan for us is a kind of bridge to South Asia. There is a project for the construction of the Termez railway – Mazari Sharif – Kabul – Pakistan, which will allow the countries of Central Asia to get the long -awaited access to the sea.

The relevant documents with the governments of Afghanistan and Pakistan were signed on it. The second megaproekt is the Tapi gas pipeline (Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India). Everything was already ready for the implementation of these projects, funding was found, but at the last moment they had to pause their implementation. Now the main question is related to the international recognition of the Taliban power in Afghanistan. Unfortunately, negative signals associated with the prohibition of education for girls and other things continue to come from this country.