Expert of Ministry of Health: “Some parents did not pass vaccination”

Communication between children has increased after the opening of schools and kindergartens. In the winter season, children have diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract. This, responding to the question of the correspondent of during the direct ether on the page of the Ministry of Health in the Instagram social network, said the expert of the department, Erkin Ragimov pediatrician.

According to him, the child can infect others per day or two before the appearance of obvious symptoms.

“Disease in children is manifested by such symptoms as fever, cough, runny nose, weakness, loss of appetite. These are general signs of all viruses. Sometimes parents are experiencing, claim that children do not recover. In fact, the symptoms are the same, but it’s just different Viruses, “said Ragimov.

He also noted that some parents during the pandemic avoided hiking hiking and vaccinations: “Some parents did not pass vaccination. Now the children communicate with each other and increases the likelihood of infection. Let parents make vaccinations as early as possible.”

The expert of the Ministry of Health also reported that the number of influenza suffering inout the world.

“There is a flu vaccine in Azerbaijan, which is advised to make children every six months. The first 6 months newborn are not subject to frequent diseases. The peak of morbidity in children is observed from 2-5 years, and after 6 years – it falls again,” stressed Expert.