Failure in production of sugar beets in Azerbaijan

In recent years, the production of sugar beet and yields from each hectare are reduced. Agency “Turan” notes the failures in this area despite stimulating the production of sugar beets by the government of the country.

In addition, in 2017, sowing spacing of sugar beets were increased from 7 thousand 61 hectares to 13 thousand 919 hectares, i.e. by 97%. However, next 2018, the sowing areas of beets decreased by 38% to 8562 hectares, in 2019 to 7346 hectares, and in 2020 decreased by 2.8 times to 4975 hectares. Reducing the sowing areas of sugar beets occurred in all economic zones without exception.

Agency notes that farmers and peasants of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic were engaged in growing sugar beets. But if in 2000 the sowing area of ​​sugar beets in the Autonomous Republic was 2357 hectares, then from 2010 to the present time in the economic area of ​​this culture there was no single ha.

At the event organized by the Ministry of Agriculture in early November 2021 in the Gadjigabul district, the representative of the ministry said that the total area of ​​sugar beet crops in the country in 2021 amounted to 5214 hectares. In total, 147,453 tons of sugar beet were delivered. The average yield was 34.7 t / ha, and sugar content is 14.65%. After a complete completion of cleaning, the total production will reach 182,000 tons. If you consider the information of the official of the Ministry of Agriculture, it turns out that in 2021 compared with the previous year of the area under sugar beet increased by 4.8%, and the production has decreased by 21.8%. The yield with 1 hectare was 32.2% less than a year earlier.

Unfortunately, the reduction in the sowing spacing of sugar beets after 2017, in turn, naturally, had a serious impact on production. Thus, during this period, the production of sugar beet in the country fell sharply.