Fakhretin Altun wished successful flight to first astronaut of Turkey

The head of the Directorate of the Administration of the President of Turkey Fakhretin Altun wished a successful flight to the first astronaut of Turkey Alper Goseravja.

Altun posted the publication on the social network H. “Be proud of Turkey, the continuation,” the report said in the tamed mission AX -3.

The post is illustrated by the launch images of the SpaceX spacecraft and astronaut.

at 16:49 local time USA (00:49 TSI) from the Kennedy cosmodrome in Florida successfully launched the SpaceX spacecraft with the first Turkish astronaut Alper Gosevja.

From the starting complex of the 39a Kennedy Space Center in the American state of Florida, the space trip of the AX-3 Goseravja mission began.

Falcon 9 rocket will deliver the SpaceX Dragon capsule to the International Space Station (ISS).