Falcon 9 rocket started with crew Crew Dragon

The Falcon 9 carrier rocket started with the Crew Dragon ship, which makes the second working flight to an international space station with astronauts, NASA is directly broadcast, RIA Novosti report.

The start was given to the estimated 5.49 EDT (12.49 MSK) on Friday. Astronauts NASA Robert Shein Cymbro and Megan Macarur, as well as French and Japanese Astronauts Sand and Akikhiko Hosiend, will be departed on board the orbit.

For the Crew Dragon ship created by Spacex, this is the second regular flight to the ISS, and the preliminary test flight with two astronauts took place in May 2019. For the United States, this is the second working manned flight after completion in 2011 SPACE SHUTTLE program.