Famous doctor dispelled myth of deadly danger of “black mold”

TV presenter and doctor Evgeny Komarovsky in his video on YouTube-channel denied the myth of the deadly danger of the “black mold”, and also told, in what cases is the infection of the Mulkumikosis – the disease that it causes.

According to him, a person can be infected only with a certain combination of different factors. We are talking about violation of the work of the immune system, diabetes mellitus of the second type, irregular treatment with steroids, high iron in the blood, explained the doctor.

To prevent the infection of the Mulkumikosis, it is necessary to keep track of the state of health, in order not to allow listed states, and not to contact directly with the soil, Komarovsky said.

According to him, when working with the Earth, it is necessary to use such means of protection as costumes, respirators and gloves.

Specialist also rejected the rumor that Mulkumikosis rapidly spreads the world. He explained that the number of infected in India increased against the background of coronavirus, protein deficit and excess iron in residents of the country.