Famous restorer and his daughter killed because of violins of Stradivari

Three German citizens are detained in Paraguay on suspicion of involvement in the murder of compatriots – a 62-year-old archaeologist and a restorer of musical instruments and his teenage daughter.

The Russian BBC Service reports that Bernard von Bredov was found dead in his home in Asuncion. The body of his 14-year-old daughter Lorin was discovered in the bathroom. The man was found lying on the table with a gunshot wound in the head, his daughter was killed by a shot in the stomach. Presumably, Bradov before death was tortured, and in his house something was looking for something.

Police believes that the purpose of the criminals was the rare violins Antonio Stradivari XVII-XVII centuries, which belonged to the restorer.

detainees – 58-year-old Volker Grannas, 60-year-old Yves Azriel Spartak Steinmets and 51-year-old Stefan Yorg Messing Darchinger. In the house of one of them – G Garnas’s folker (lived next door to nonsense) – Four violins of Stradivari, who belonged to the killed.

Police believes that Bernard von Bredov, going on the trip, left Granans for storage valuable violins. However, when he returned home, Grannas said that the violins burned during a fire, noted in the police.

“Our main version is that the motive for the double murder was an attempt to find international certificates of authenticity of violins, without which it is impossible to sell the tool,” said the Khugo Granis Police Commissioner AP.

BBC reminds that over the past 50 years, there were several high-profile thefts of Stradivari violins, the price of which at auctions reaches millions of dollars. In 2011, the violin Lady Blunt Stradivari was sold for almost 16 million dollars.

Bernard von Bredov was known in Europe as a restorer of musical instruments and was the author of scientific work on biology and geology. He also created a mammoth museum in Germany.