Fasting rations were even more reduced by starving Yemenis

Representatives of the UN World Food Program reduced food rations even more in Yemen, Reuters reported.

According to the statement of representatives of the runway, they are forced to reduce the size of product rations for 13 million wards of the program due to a critical lack of funding, severe inflation and indirect consequences of the war in Ukraine.

“now we are forced to reduce support for 5 million of these people to less than 50% of the daily needs, and for the remaining 8 million – up to about 25% of the daily need,” the VPP report in Twitter.

In January, there was already a reduction in rations, after the organization collected not enough donations, out of two necessary billions, it was possible to collect only $ 500 million.

It is expected that the number of starving in this long -suffering country will increase from 5 to 7 million to the next six months. Due to a lack of resources, the country cannot cope with the needs of people. Pereplaces with world supplies of wheat can aggravate the situation even more. The Saudi Arabia government warned that wheat stocks in Yemen would be enough until mid -July.