FBI published first declassified document on 9/11 terrorist attacks

Performing a decree of the head of the White House of Joe Bayden on the decaying of materials on terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, the US Federal Bureau (FBI) published the first of the declassified documents.

Deutsche Vella writes that in a 16-page document describes contacts in the United States of two terrorists with their accomplices who have citizenship of Saudi Arabia, but does not contain evidence of involvement in Saudi government priority.

in the document dated April 4, 2016 and published with bills in the 20th anniversary of the terrorist attacks, describes the interview of 2015 with a person who filed an application for citizenship of the United States, and many years have repeatedly contacted Saudi Arabia with citizens who have provided According to investigators, “significant logistical support” to several corniers of aircraft on September 11.

Previously, the families of the victims of the terrorist attacks were looking for evidence that Saudi officials were supported by aircraft hijackers and filed a lawsuit against ER Riyadd demanding to compensate for the damage caused. They also objected to the presence of Biden on mourning events, until the information about what happened is publicly available.

The Government of Saudi Arabia denied its involvement in terrorist attacks and supported the declassification of documents to “commit unreasonable accusations.”

The Commission investigating the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001 concluded that neither the government of Saudi Arabia nor high-ranking official officials helped in carrying out attacks.