Final tour of Azercell social project competition took place

The Social Project Competition, announced by Azercell Telekom last month and helps to introduce digital technologies into the country’s social sphere, is nearing completion.

It should be noted that the strategic goal of the competition is to increase the social activity of society and its more intensive involvement in the development processes of different spheres, as well as to assist in improving the well -being of individual social groups. In this competition, which involves the creation and implementation of projects in the fields of education, culture and healthcare, more priority is given to projects providing for the development of digital environment and inclusiveness, as well as improving the standard of living through innovative technological solutions.

In order to ensure the transparency and objectivity of the project evaluating process, all accepted applications were considered by a special jury consisting of experts with experience in the field of social development and social responsibility of the country, as well as professionals working in the relevant field in Azercell.

Within a month from the date of acceptance of applications, more than 20 different social projects were examined. 7 projects that most fully reflect the conditions of competitive selection reached the final. The presented projects reflected such important topics as the popularization of national literature, the integration of women in ICT and various spheres of society, as well as the involvement of people with disabilities in more productive and active life through digital solutions. Representatives of non -governmental and non -profit organizations that became finalists of the competition came to the jury with presentations about the influence of projects they created on society and ways to achieve the goals.

Note that the three victorious projects that will be determined in the near future will be awarded grants from Azercell.

Azercell Telekom has always given priority to the principles of corporate social responsibility, acting as the initiator and supporter of projects that benefit the social development of society. For 25 years of work, a company that supports various scale projects in the fields of education, culture, sports, healthcare, digital literacy, etc., directed more than $ 22 million to the implementation of social projects.