Financial Times: USA can replace Russian gas in Europe on Qatar

The United States is negotiating with Qatar and a number of other exporters of natural gas on emergency measures in case the further deterioration of relations between Russia and Ukraine will lead to gas supply violations to Europe. This is reported by Financial Times with reference to high-ranking representatives of the administration of Byyden and other “familiar with the situation” people.

“We consider possible actions for this case, especially considering that now the middle of winter, and gas reserves in Europe are without that low, – quotes the newspaper of one of the high-ranking representatives of the US President Administration. – We are trying to understand … what we can Prepare already now, if and when the escalation of the crisis happens, “Kommersant writes.

Another interlocutor of the British newspaper says that negotiations concern long-term safety guarantees of LNG supplies, given the fact that Qatar, for example, intends to noticeably increase the production of LNG.