First cargo train arrived in Turkey on modernized route of railway line

to Turkey on the modernized route of the Baku-Tbilisi-Kars (BTK) railway on Saturday, the first cargo team arrived on May 25.

The train delivered 632 tons of plastic raw materials from Baku to Kars, immersed in 20 containers. The composition arrived at the Kars station at 04.50 local time, from where after the relevant customs inspections, it was transported to the logistics center.

Work on modernization and expansion of 184 km of the Georgian section of the railway BTK has been held since May 2023 and ended on May 20 of this year.

BTK was launched on October 30, 2017 and is the next successful fruit of cooperation between Turkey, Georgia and Azerbaijan. At the opening ceremony of the new railway line were the leaders of Turkey and Azerbaijan Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Ilham Aliyev.

BTK length is 829 km, 504 km of which run through the territory of Azerbaijan, 246 km – Georgia, and 79 km – Turkey. The new road allowed to significantly reduce the duration of the supply of goods between Asia and Europe to 15 days.

according to BTK from Turkey to Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, the Russian Federation and China, building material, iron ore, manganese, drill, food, cleaning products, marble, field spaties, MDF, MDF, MDF. Soybean, fresh vegetables and fruits, and grain, cereals, feed, walnuts, silicon, paper, sheet metal, cathode copper, zinc, fertilizers, chemical products and electronic goods are entered in Turkey.
