First piloted flight of New Shepard ship will take place on July 20

The American Blue Origin company will send a passenger to the subborital flight on his New Shepard ship on July 20. As the company’s press service reported on Wednesday, the first ticket for flight to the Blue Origin space boundaries will be played by the auction, TASS reports.

“New Shepard will send its first astronaut into space on July 20. We offer one place in this first flight to the winner of the online auction of Blue Origin,” the report says. It is noted that trading will be held in three stages and will end June 12. All revenues from the sale of a ticket will go to the Foundation of the Non-Profit Organization Club for The Future (“Club for the Future”).

BEFORE Blue Origin spent 15 tests of his subborvital ship, but in the role of a “passenger” performed by the sensors of the mannequin in full human growth, which was given to the name Skywalker in honor of Luke Skywalker, one of the heroes of Kinosagi “Star Wars”. NEW Shepard can take on board six passengers or useful load. After reaching the border of space, tourists can be unbutted the seat belts and approximately four minutes to hold in a state of weightlessness, after which the capsule with them will begin the decline and gently land on the parachutes.